Resources / Media

The resources on this page can support you in learning more about maths anxiety.

Validated, self-report scales

See our About page for a list of MARG publications.


Why does maths make me anxious? Follow this link to listen to an episode of BBC Radio 4’s Bringing up Britain, all about maths anxiety and featuring MARG lead, Dr Thomas Hunt: BBC Radio 4 – Bringing Up Britain, Series 15, Why Does Maths Make Me Anxious?

Some useful videos

This Webinar on maths anxiety in teachers was hosted by the Maths Anxiety Trust and Learnus in association with National Numeracy and was chaired by Professor Margaret Brown OBE Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Education at Kings College and President of the Maths Anxiety Trust. Speakers included: Dr Thomas Hunt Associate Professor in Psychology at University of Derby, Andy Grady, Head of Maths at Page High School, Fay Cosgrove, Regional Lead practitioner for numeracy and Peter Mather, Head of Staff Training and Development at Greenford High.

Here is a recording from the Dyscalculia Network in which Dr Dominic Petronzi talks about maths anxiety. This was part of Maths Anxiety Awareness Day 2022.

Here is a recording of a webinar from Maths Anxiety Awareness Day 2021, in which the panel consisted of Dr Tom Hunt, Prof. Steve Chinn, Sue Johnston-Wilder, and Jane Emerson, and was hosted by Rob Jennings.

Here is a talk Dr Tom Hunt gave on maths anxiety for the Mathematical Association

An online symposium on the importance of confidence with numbers amongst teachers organised by Maths Anxiety Trust and National Numeracy. Chaired by Sam Sims, CEO of National Numeracy the speakers were: Professor Margaret Brown OBE President of Maths Anxiety Trust, Dr Thomas Hunt, Associate Professor in Psychology, University of Derby, Gillian Lynch, Acting Deputy Head Teacher, St Aidan’s Primary School in Wishaw, and Sue Skyrme, Schools & Parental Engagement Expert at National Numeracy, former headteacher and teacher trainer

Supporting National Numeracy Day 2020 with tips on overcoming maths anxiety

A nice talk on maths anxiety by Dr Krzysztof Cipora

Why do people get so anxious about math? by Orly Rubinsten

An excellent presentation on doctoral work around metacognition and arithmetic, including reference to maths anxiety

Other Materials

This is a free guide for educators, focusing on how to address maths anxiety.

This is a free guide for teachers with maths anxiety (or anxiety about teaching maths), commissioned by the Maths Anxiety Trust and authored by Sue Skyrme and Dr Thomas Hunt

Who is afraid of math? What is math anxiety? And what can you do about it?

“Mathematics is a necessary skill that people use throughout their lives, such as when they travel, use money, or keep track of time. Therefore, mathematics is an important skill to learn at school. Unfortunately, many children and adults feel stressed and anxious when they have to do math.”


Research-Based Solutions to Address Math Anxiety

“We know that many students experience math anxiety first-hand: that feeling of fear, apprehension, and helplessness when tackling a math problem…it seems that parents can do more to help their children’s math scores by changing their own attitudes and feelings around the subject.”

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